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Diagnose when to replace the shock absorber

Shock absorbers are consumables that require periodic replacement.

How to diagnose replacement time of shock absorber

The best way to determine the state of a shock absorber is to detach and identify the shock absorber.

Replace the shock absorber when the followings occur.

  • Oil leak outside
  • Low ride comfort when driving.
  • Noise from shock absorber
  • The body is tilted to one side (body roll)
  • If gas shock absorber is used, the floor of the car body touches strongly when passing the speed braking chest, etc.
  • Only one side of the tire is worn
  • Increased braking distance
  • Increased handle tremble at high speed
  • Nose dive-When you are braking, the front of the body goes down and the back goes up.
  • Small Vibration noise during driving

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27 Ogyegongdan-gil, Geumho-eup Yeongcheon, Gyeongsangbuk-doCompany name : CHEONWOO INDUSTRY CO., LTD.CEO : Choi Dong-OTEL : +82-54-337-2411FAX : +-82-54-337-2416
Email : sales@cheonwooind.comCompany Registration Number : 538-88-00745Homepage creation : Daos Web
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