Quality Policy/Goal

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Quality Policy/Goal

Quality Policy/Goal

Quality Policy

Based on passion and technology, all of our employees will standardize quality standards so that we can realize customer's impressions of products, prices, delivery times and services. And we will continuously strive to grow as a loved company by providing reliability and service of products to satisfy various needs of customers through continuous improvement activities.

  • Activation of Business Standard
  • Maximizing sales force
  • Management of defect rate of finished products or expands

Quality Goal

  • Systematization of business standards
  • Reduction of manufacturing cost 10%
  • Maintain ISO 9001 certification

Customer consultation.

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27 Ogyegongdan-gil, Geumho-eup Yeongcheon, Gyeongsangbuk-doCompany name : CHEONWOO INDUSTRY CO., LTD.CEO : Choi Dong-OTEL : +82-54-337-2411FAX : +-82-54-337-2416
Email : sales@cheonwooind.comCompany Registration Number : 538-88-00745Homepage creation : Daos Web
Copyright © CHEONWOO INDUSTRY CO., LTD. All rights reserved.   열쇠모양 아이콘